Here is another in my bovine series of paintings, "Red Cow." This one just rolled so nicely off the brush...there was no struggling with composition or color, and I'm glad I was able to retain the looseness of brush strokes. It is a small painting, an 8 x 10 in. oil on canvas.
Well, it's the beginning of a week before a trade show, and with that comes all the stress of making sure I have enough business cards printed, wrapping prints and doing last minute framing. It doesn't help that my son starts swimming lessons, and the blacksmith is coming one of the days. And my printer decided to cease communicating with the computer, or vice-versa, and after spending a couple of hours backing everything up, and running a hardware test, (don't I sound like I know what I'm doing?) miraculously, everything started working again.
At least I have done enough of these shows to know that I will have enough done by Saturday--there will be more than enough to fill the booth, and the more work I bring, the more I have to carry.
The show in question is the Driving Forum. Although the only horse I have ever driven myself was a livery-stable rental on Mackinac Island, (the horse pretty much drove himself.) I have helped hitch and watched plenty of carriage driving events. I don't know if I will ever have my own driving horse, but a horse-drawn carriage is still one of those sights that inspires awe. Perhaps I will come away from the conference with a renewed interest in obtaining a carriage and getting my Morgan hitched. I guess I'd have to ask my mare first--she might have other ideas.