September already! It's back to work, back to a normal routine. With a couple of commissions on my plate, and some freelance work, my time management skills will really come into play. Over the past month, I've been able to spend some quality time in the studio, and it will have to continue in order to get everything done. The Greener Pastures Rescue Art Exhibit will open on Saturday, the 9th at Stonington Vineyards, and I'm looking forward to the opening reception and meeting the other artists. At the end of the month, I will be delivering some paintings to Maine for an exhibit of art featuring carriage horses.
I made a trip to Saratoga Springs last month--the first time in at least seven years. There is nothing like Saratoga in August for an equine artist! Four different galleries offered a juicy selection of art, and a day at the racetrack yielded over 400 photos of racehorses and jockeys. I came home so jazzed up to paint, that within a week, I had completed two new oils on canvas. I'll scan those and post when they are dry.
For now, I'll post one of the watercolors I have done from the horse show I photographed last month. Little girls on ponies in the sunshine are irresistable to me. This young rider had perfect command of her bay pony, cantering perfect circles in the sunlit sand.