"Working Eyes"
oil on canvas, 36 x 36 in.
I have finally gotten around to posting this guy. He was discovered at a pulling contest, on a blistering hot day in June. I was amazed at how little these big drafthorses were bothered by the heat. I love the big heavy leather harnesses and blinkers, and the way they frame the gentle eyes of this guy.
Soccer games and practices and meetings and computer work keep trying to take away painting time. Despite interruptions and delays, I've been able to get a brush on canvas and finish up a few small pieces, inspired by visits to the local county fair.

These little piggies were just captivating. I kept checking back in on them all afternoon, and that momma sow never moved.
We spent a day in Williamstown, Massachusetts, recently. A trip to photograph a horse made a great excuse for a day trip to see the fall foliage, and take in a museum. The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute was a pure delight. It was a chance to see work by many of my favorite American artists such as Whistler, Sargent, Homer, Chase, and Twachtman. After taking in the art, we walked the trails behind the museum. A pasture trail takes you up a hill, to a spectacular vista of autumn foliage. This makes me want to paint autumn landscapes and I would not be surprised if one of these makes it onto the easel soon. The day could not have been more perfect. On our way back through North Adams, we checked out the Natural Bridge State Park, and were amazed at the wonderful rock formations, and deep gorge running through this old marble quarry.