Big Chick, 40 x 30 in. oil on canvas
This big fluffy chick has been finished for a while, but it's always a challenge to photograph these large canvases, and the time and weather finally cooperated to get it shot outside. This little gal is much much larger than life, and she makes an impact on the wall.

Bling, 40 x 30 in. oil on canvas
Bling is another large canvas, and this one is nearly ready for hanging. Still awaiting a final varnish and hanging hardware. Shiny silver bits on halters and bridles are always a challenge, but so satisfying to finish up with those bright white highlight spots. A chain lead shank never looks right until the final highlights go in. I enjoyed the blue eye of this paint--it's not often I get to paint a blue eye.
Studio work has been a bit derailed lately, with all the work involved in putting in the garden, and running around to family events. This summer I will be trying something completely new to me---participating in a local community theater production of Oliver! My son and I both have ensemble roles, so we will have fun getting our feet wet in this new venture, without a huge time commitment of learning a lot of lines. It was so rewarding to challenge myself with something completely out of my element. I have no illusions of being a good singer...I guess I can hit the notes, but my voice is not pretty--I can blend in with the chorus just fine. But I have to admit to being a musical theater geek--I often paint to the music of the great Broadway soundtracks.
I know of many artists that have talent in both the visual and performing arts, and I have always been one who has the desire to do something musical, but do not have the gift to be able to play an instrument. So perhaps this is a sign of the desire breaking through. Hopefully I will not completely embarrass myself.