The Cremello Foal, oil on canvas, 36 x 6 in. gallerywrap canvas
Blue eyes, pale creamy coat, reflecting the green grass of summer, and the blue sky. This colorful Morgan foal fills this tall narrow canvas, coming over for a friendly sniff.
I enjoy these unusual formats--contemporary, eye-catching, and fitting so nicely into a narrow wall space. The painting continues around the edges of this 1.5 in. thick gallerywrap canvas.
As 2011 comes to a close, I have been reviewing my inventory for the year. Sometimes it seems as if there is no time to paint, and yet this year, I have added more works to the inventory than ever before. This has also been a banner year for commission work, and I look forward to the commissions of 2012. This is an excellent time of year to start thinking of a portrait of your favorite horse or pet. Horses are best photographed in the spring and summer. Dogs may be photographed at any time, and often look best in their winter coat.
In light of the economy, although my costs for materials and heating the studio, etc. continue to rise, I will not be raising the rates for commissioned portraits this coming year. Prices start at 200. for a mini-painting (5 x 7), with custom sizes available up to 36 x 48 in. I hope that I will be painting your special animal in 2012.