"Woodstock Cows"
oil on canvas, 11 x 14 in.
"Flash Noseband"
oil on gallery wrap canvas, 12 x 16 in.
I would see these cows in the late afternoon light on the picturesque country road that leads to the kennel, where Cheerio was "studying" agility. One day, I finally remembered to take my camera along, and stopped at the side of the road to capture the luminous late afternoon light in late summer. (Despite my son's protests--"Mom! This is so booooring!") He really wanted to get to agility class.
A few weeks later the cows were gone. I was glad that I had taken a moment of time to capture them on film, and then on canvas. Someone appreciated their beauty long enough to paint them.
"Flash Noseband" is one of a continuing series of close-up studies of horses in light and shadow. This guy was waiting his turn at a jumping event, and the late summer sun was sculpting his face beautifully. There was a lot of reflected light from the ground, as the dry summer had parched the grass to a warm yellow, and his blaze ended in a glowing pink on his muzzle.
This afternoon, I trudged around the pasture where I let the horses out to play in 10 inches of snow that fell the other day. The camera may have captured some interesting winter light, so perhaps this will be the next painting. I am working larger--on a 30 x 40 canvas, currently, and can't wait to do more of these big, bold paintings.